Skinny mac and cheese

Serves: 2


Dried Pasta 85g

Dash Oil Olive

2 teaspoon Mustard powder

1 tablespoon Cornflour

Milk 200g

2 Leeks

Handful Baby Spinach

Cheddar Cheese 50g

Lobster meat 100g

2 Large Tomatoes


Allergens and properties

Contains gluten

Contains mustard

Contains sulphates

Contains milk

May contain egg



1. Wash and slice the leeks. Rinse the baby spinach. Grate the cheese.

2. Cook the pasta as per the instructions on the pack. 

3. Heat the oil in a medium non-stick pan. Add the leeks, stir well then cover and cook for about 6 minutes, or until soft.

4. Put the cornflour and mustard powder in a small bowl and gradually whisk in the milk. 

5. Add the leeks and stir until thickened. simmer for about 10 minutes, the sauce will seem thick but we diluted it later.

6. Drain the pasta, keep the water.

7. Stir the paste into the sauce. Add the spinach and 1- 2 ladles of water to make a spoonable sauce, then stir over the heat until the spinach has wilted. 

8. Stir in most of the cheese and season to taste.

9. Turn on the grill.

10. Tip the pasta mixture into a casserole dish, arrange the tomatoes on the top and scatter over the top the remaining cheese. 

11. Place under the grill for 5-10 minutes or until bubbling and golden and the dish is ready to serve.


Nutrient breakdown per 100g

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